slo m   eng m
p.p. 1628, 1001 Ljubljana
051 813 633 | 031 510 898
  • Misel 1

    Without translation, I would be limited to the borders of my own country.

    Italo Calvino

  • Misel 2

    El original no es fiel a la traducción.

    Jorge Luis Borges

  • Misel 4

    Prevajanje je tudi neke vrste darežljivost do soljudi.

    Aleš Berger

Pogoji uporabe/Terms and Conditions of Use

Pogoji uporabe

Društvo prevajalcev in tolmačev Slovenije (v nadaljevanju: društvo) iz seznama članov pripravi iskalnik po članih. Iskalnik je v izključni lasti društva. Z iskanjem po spletnem iskalniku se vzpostavi pogodbeni odnos med uporabnikom iskalnika in društvom pod naslednjimi pogoji:

  1. Iskalnik se lahko uporablja za iskanje prevajalca, tolmača ali sodnega tolmača z namenom naročiti prevajalske ali tolmaške storitve na podlagi informacij o jeziku, specializaciji, naslovu in kontaktnih podatkih članov društva, ki so se z objavo strinjali.
  2. Uporaba iskalnika v navedene namene je brezplačna.
  3. O vseh podrobnosti naročila prevoda/tolmačenja se morata uporabnik iskalnika in prevajalec/tolmač/sodni tolmač dogovoriti vnaprej.
  4. Društvo zgolj zagotavlja informacije in ne nosi nobene odgovornosti za dogovore med uporabniki iskalnika in člani društva, če storitev ni opravljena pravočasno ali njena kakovost ni zadovoljiva, glede zahtevkov za plačilo ali katerihkoli drugih zahtevkov, ki bi jih uporabnik iskalnika ali član društva lahko imel zaradi navedenega dogovora.
  5. Uporabnik lahko uporablja iskalnik le v namene iz 1. točke.
  6. Druga uporaba ali obdelava podatkov iz iskalnika ni dovoljena.
  7. Še zlasti ni dovoljena uporaba iskalnika ali njegovih izvlečkov v celoti ali delno za komercialno uporabo, kot orodje za sestavo ali dopolnitev seznamov prevajalcev/tolmačev, naslovov ali drugih seznamov. Prav tako ni dovoljeno v elektronski obliki prenesti iskalnika članov, da bi ga uporabili v omenjene namene ali druge komercialne namene.
  8. Uporabnikom, ki bodo kršili pogoje uporabe, nadaljnja uporaba iskalnika ne bo dovoljena.
  9. Društvo ne odgovarja za dostopnost iskalnika ali za točnost in popolnost podatkov.

Zadnjič posodobljeno: 22. decembra 2016


Terms and Conditions of Use

The Association of Translators and Interpreters of Slovenia (hereinafter: the Association) generates the online database of members from its current directory of members. The Association owns the exclusive rights to this database. Connecting to the online member database establishes a user contract between the Association and the user that exclusively considers the terms and conditions set out below.

  1. The database may be used in order to find a translator, interpreter or court interpreter with the purpose of placing an interpreting or translation order, based on the information provided on the language, specialty, the address, and the contact data approved for publication by the members of the Association.
  2. Use of the database for the aforementioned purpose is free of charge.
  3. All the details of the translation/interpreting assignment should be agreed upon in advance between the user of the online database and the interpreter/translator/court interpreter.
  4. The Association merely provides the information and shall not assume any responsibility what so ever for any agreements between the user and the members of the Association, for any failure to provide services in due time, for the quality of provided services, for any payment claims or any other claim that the user or the member of the Association might have.
  5. The user may use the database exclusively for the purpose specified in Section 1.
  6. Any other use or processing of data stored in the database is not permissible.
  7. In particular, the use of the database in excerpts, in part or in full, for purposes of commercial exploitation, use as a tool for compiling or adding to translator/interpreter, address or other directories, as well as downloading of the member database for the aforementioned purposes or for any other commercial use is not permitted.
  8. Users violating the terms of use will be barred from any other use of the database.
  9. The Association assumes no liability for the availability of the database or for the accuracy and completeness of the entries.

Last updated: 22 December 2016

Društvo prevajalcev in tolmačev Slovenije

Dalmatinova 2

1000 Ljubljana

051 813 633

031 510 898

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